Organized by the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Belgrade, a three-day seminar was held from September 21 to 23, 2022 as part of the Erasmus+ project  (From digital technology to educational tools: Improving the quality of active learning and teaching in the online and hybrid environment in applied disciplines of agricultural sciences (Acronym: HEAL-in-ONE, Action Type: KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education, No 2021-1-RS01-KA220-HED-000032054)) named: LTTA1 (Learning, Teaching and Training Activity) – Analysis of ALT and introducing ALTONE methodology, the following activities were considered:

 Activities of the first day

  1. The relationship between teaching and learning (individual work and joint discussion),
  2. Key problems in teaching in HE – before the pandemic (group work and joint discussion),
  3. Key problems in teaching in a fully online environment (during the pandemic) (group work and joint discussion),
  4. A brief overview of the key challenges of teaching/learning in HE,
  5. Position of students in teaching/learning in HE (joint discussion),
  6. Comments on the questionnaire on teaching during the pandemic (presentation),
  7. Students’ perspectives on the data obtained in the questionnaire (joint discussion),
  8. Key competencies of students for the 21st century (group work and joint discussion) and
  9. Summing up and ending the day

Activities on the second day

  1. Assignments and student learning activities (group work and joint discussion),
  2. Indicators of student activities (individual work, group work and joint discussion),
  3. Teaching/learning methods (individual work),
  4. Typical forms of teaching/learning in practice (joint discussion),
  5. Teaching objectives: their importance and relationship to outcomes (group work, joint discussion and short presentation) and
  6. Wrapping the day

Activities on the third day

  1. Curricular alignment: objectives, methods and learning activities (individual and pair work and joint discussion),
  2. Nature of cognitive processes in learning in an online environment (individual work, group work and joint discussion),
  3. Designing teaching situations (group work and joint discussion) and
  4. Closing remarks and evaluation of the seminar



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